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1mz MR2 in canberra?

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RE: 1mz MR2 in canberra? 2012/04/13 08:25:19 (permalink)

I've got the key and pretty sure everything else required. Also been looking into getting the ecu re-flashed to remove I mob.

I can get the MR2 key blanks that can take the immobiliser chips so you could cut the chip out of the Camry key and swap it over.
I mob?
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RE: 1mz MR2 in canberra? 2012/04/13 21:38:52 (permalink)
I mob... sorry fat fingers and touch screen I get lazy.

Can u explain more about how the chip works? How much more will I complicate the process if i eliminate the ignition barrel completly?

Slow in fast out
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RE: 1mz MR2 in canberra? 2012/04/13 21:49:31 (permalink)

Got it at itchiban imports in Sydney.

Quick check guys reverse switch plug is on the body harness? I seem to have misplaced it....

Engine loom. Red/blue Red/black wires

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RE: 1mz MR2 in canberra? 2012/04/14 08:29:51 (permalink)
Inside the head of the key there is a 4C carbon chip which is coded to the immobiliser box, the box immobilises the engine until it recognises the correct key in the ignition. There is an antenna the comes from the box and goes around the ignition barrel so if you are going to be using it you will need to fix the antenna around your existing barrel, also the Camry key is a different profile key, if you look at that key and your MR2 key you will notice that the groves on the keys are different and the Camry one will not go into the ignition on the 2, to get around this you will need to cut the chip out of the Camry key, and put it in a blank that is the correct profile for your car ( TOY38R)
I can get the blanks and they should only be around $20 cut to your key. You should also make sure that you have a spare key because you won't be able to get more coded into your car as coding for these is done through a sequence of turning the car on/ off, opening the doors etc, though there is another way of making a key from the immobiliser box.
Really I would think that your best bet is to either run an aftermarket ECU that eliminates the factory immobiliser or, be a little dodgy and glue the chip to the antenna and stash it behind the dash, so the car will always see the chip.
Hope you understand what I mean.
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RE: 1mz MR2 in canberra? 2012/04/14 18:43:44 (permalink)
Cheers BJ the only thing i normally understand about electrical things is that once the magic smoke comes out they dont work....
My plan is to put the chip antenna and transponder in the boot and run just an ignition switch and start button. 
Found the reverse switch thanks J

Slow in fast out
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RE: 1mz MR2 in canberra? 2012/05/08 23:56:03 (permalink)
Wiring half done.

Slow in fast out
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RE: 1mz MR2 in canberra? 2012/09/29 08:04:44 (permalink)
So a long time between drinks, sorry guys.
Cash flow has also been slowing me down (I brought a Jeep.) Sold my Green SW20 really regret selling it and the money just disappeared on bills and lame things like that. 
The wiring is complete although a bit messy and as yet untested.
I plan to put the driveshafts back in and wheels on over the next week. Can anybody tell me if the drive shaft seals changes between 91 and 94?
The carry bearing braket is still in need of some fine tuning.
Plan for the exhaust is just to pay someone else to do it
Ive removed the guts from the inlet manifold mainly because i just couldnt find a newer model part at the right price.
I'll upload some more photos in a day or two.
My father drives my Red SW20 and with the Green one gone im really motivated to get back in the driving seat of an MR2 again.    

Slow in fast out
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