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Helpful ReplyJaemus's 5th SW20 - JDM 92 GT hardtop turbo

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Re: Jaemus's 5th - JDM 92 GT hardtop turbo 2016/09/28 17:23:30 (permalink)
+2 (2)
And then we move on to the clutch job, currently in progress! Big thanks to the gentlemen lending me a hand with this.

Upgrading to an Xtreme aluminium 4.7kg flywheel and Xtreme full face organic HD clutch. Changed the rear main seal as well for good measure. Was going to upgrade to ARP flywheel bolts but got sent the wrong ones so the stock ones were still in spec and went back in. 


Had a few setbacks along the way to getting the engine out;

- LH Axle boot was slightly split and tore completely when removing the axle. Both axles are currently being rebuilt
- Had to go get a 6mm hex socket for the rattle gun to undo ONE of the 16 axle cap head screws :P
- Didnt find the bolt holding the dust cover plate between the engine and gearbox behind the starter motor until we tore it off trying to pry the engine and g/box apart :P
- Missed a few wires when lifting the car off the engine, resulting in having to make some repairs, and replace entirely the speedo sensor plug. Thanks to RobK's info I can match up the colours from a Camry E53 speedo sensor plug and splice that back in to my harness. So a $2 entry fee, a quick 10min snoop through Pick N Payless, and one snip with the cutters later I had this:

Engine and gearbox are not wanting to make sweet intercourse and mate together atm, but I shall force them. Stay tuned for more updates as this goes back together!
post edited by Jaemus - 2016/10/21 17:03:24

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Re: Jaemus's 5th - JDM 92 GT hardtop turbo 2016/09/28 17:48:28 (permalink)
Hardtop and in red! What dreams are made of.
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Re: Jaemus's 5th - JDM 92 GT hardtop turbo 2016/09/28 18:11:46 (permalink)
Not tempted to go 2GR with this or wrestle 2hardtop's engine off him? Has he got it in a car and running yet? It's a real shame he hasn't come back to this forum to share his knowledge.

Sure im tempted, and I feel the 3s-gte will inevitably explode, so there will be an opportunity :)

Not sure Greg is willing to give up his project yet / at all, and the point of the whole thing was that i don't have to pull it apart (current clutch job was the result of a regrettable oversight), start a massive project, or get it engineered. At least for the time being. Just want to enjoy driving it, and for me the turbo motor is a novelty as I've never had one before :)

Not sure why he hasn't come back to the forum but he could be lurking in the shadows :)

Builder / Former owner of: Australia's first V6 converted SW20
Current ride: '92 JDM GT turbo hardtop

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Re: Jaemus's 5th - JDM 92 GT hardtop turbo 2016/10/20 23:37:03 (permalink)
Some more updates;

* Clutch is done, and I'm very happy with it! 4.7kg flywheel is awesome too. It's great to be finally able to give the car some stick and have it respond appropriately! Changed rear main seal while I had it apart as well.

Some more things went wrong along the way, in no particular order
- Managed to drop all the greasy bits out of the inner CV when reinstalling the same axle, was able to repack it tho with much irritation
- New flywheel interfered with the other (lower) sandwich plate causing an unholy grinding sound when the engine was first started. Thought it was curtains for the motor for a second. An angle grinder gave me some clearance near where the flywheel bolts to the crank boss. This is a tip for anyone wanting to use the Xtreme 4.7kg aluminium flywheel!
- eBay store sent me 4AGE flywheel bolts instead of 3SGTE :(
- Had to chase down three separate coolant leaks from heater hoses after I got it back up and running. Heater hoses seem bad, need to replace, but its OK atm
- Saved the best till last; had what i thought was huge difficulty bleeding the clutch. Spent most of a day pumping an entire bottle of coolant through it with a vacuum bleeder and it still wouldn't disengage. Then eventually found the clutch pedal clevis 'dampener' was worn out and was allowing the clutch master cylinder pushrod to bend upwards at the dampener instead of pushing it into the master cyl. Would never have thought to look at it! Some quick work with the MIG welder and a small fire later I had welded it solid and problem gone, along with the squeaky pedal sound! Suspect that it was like this all along, but the previous clutch plate being worn down to the rivets was half the thickness and thus required less pedal travel to disengage it from the pressure plate. It probably contributed to it wearing out! This is the fun of DIY, people. You can see the wear on it from the rectangular part hitting the cutout in the front of round can part that the rubber damper is in. There was also wear on the can from it hitting the pedal arm.

* Since then have installed my clear indicator lenses, deleting all amber from my Kouki rear lights. These were installed on a spare set of Kouki's and was a fairly simple matter of melting the glue in the oven, remove old lens, and reflow the glue in the oven again, install new lens, allow to cool.

I also added some red LED's in the reflector triangles (like USDM spec). However, I feel the 'smoked clear' lenses are too dark for my liking, and I would love to sell this set to fund buying another set of fully clear lenses. Have a thread up in the buy sell section here: http://www.mr2australia.com/mr2play/tm.aspx?m=132345 

NOTE: in most of these photos I had the USDM red corners installed, but the first photo shows the clear triangles with red LED's in them.

* Ordered some new number plates :) Will post about that when they arrive.

* Installed a stereo head unit, not that I really wanted one that badly, but mainly for filling the hole in the dash, bluetooth for phone calls and keeping milady entertained if I can convince her to come near the thing at all. However, the stock speakers sound crap and are probably flogged out to buggery. So I may have to consider replacing them. I did find there is amplifier wiring already run to behind the passenger seat, so I can add a sub (if i can find a nice slim one) or 6x9's if I choose to.

* HVAC controls are out so I can pull those apart too, as half the illumination doesn't work at all, and, really, it needs LED insemination surgery as well

* Replaced the instrument cluster lights with LED's, similar to those RobK used. I dont know if my standards are slipping or im just getting old, but I expected hotspots and an annoying lilac shade from not having sanded the backs of the gauge faces, and I found traces of both issues but neither are sufficiently bad to motivate me to do anything further about them... The lilac actually looks quite a bit worse in the photo than it does in reality.

* Temporarily deleted the boost gauge as I am working on installing a custom one that actually works (more on that soon) 

post edited by Jaemus - 2016/10/20 23:46:11

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Re: Jaemus's 5th - JDM 92 GT hardtop turbo 2016/10/21 07:28:59 (permalink)
You have been a busy lad.
I often wonder how many gearbox, syncro troubles are caused by that spongy worn out old pushrod and the nylon bush the clevis pin passes through in the clutch pedal.  Well done.  Bitch of a place to work too.
I've taken to making solid replacements.
Can you elaborate a bit more on the area in question of where exactly the problem was regards flywheel to crankshaft boss.  Thanks.
PS.  Most people don't use coolant in hydraulic systems. Innovative !
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Re: Jaemus's 5th - JDM 92 GT hardtop turbo 2016/10/21 08:28:29 (permalink)
Some more updates;

- Saved the best till last; had what i thought was huge difficulty bleeding the clutch. Spent most of a day pumping an entire bottle of coolant through it with a vacuum bleeder and it still wouldn't disengage. Then eventually found the clutch pedal clevis 'dampener' was worn out and was allowing the clutch master cylinder pushrod to bend upwards at the dampener instead of pushing it into the master cyl. Would never have thought to look at it! 

I am sure this probably wouldn't have helped your peddle feel  
All jokes aside your making some nice progress.

Current ride, 2010 TT RS
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Re: Jaemus's 5th - JDM 92 GT hardtop turbo 2016/10/21 09:31:49 (permalink)
Good work mate. I'm so happy to see the car back on the road!

There is an extensive build thread for my car here: http://www.mr2australia.com/mr2play/tm.aspx?m=18316
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Re: Jaemus's 5th - JDM 92 GT hardtop turbo 2016/10/21 12:37:08 (permalink)
+1 (1)
Some more updates;

- Saved the best till last; had what i thought was huge difficulty bleeding the clutch. Spent most of a day pumping an entire bottle of coolant through it with a vacuum bleeder and it still wouldn't disengage. Then eventually found the clutch pedal clevis 'dampener' was worn out and was allowing the clutch master cylinder pushrod to bend upwards at the dampener instead of pushing it into the master cyl. Would never have thought to look at it! 

I am sure this probably wouldn't have helped your peddle feel  
All jokes aside your making some nice progress.

It is just what you have to do if you want to be the Man in Dandism with the coolest aftermarket clutch.
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Re: Jaemus's 5th - JDM 92 GT hardtop turbo 2016/10/21 18:24:39 (permalink)
Lol. My bad! I wrote that all in a hurry.

You have been a busy lad.
I often wonder how many gearbox, syncro troubles are caused by that spongy worn out old pushrod and the nylon bush the clevis pin passes through in the clutch pedal.  Well done.  Bitch of a place to work too.
I've taken to making solid replacements.

Thanks! If you have a solid replacement you can sell me, I'll consider buying, as I dont know how long my welded up jobby will last :)
Can you elaborate a bit more on the area in question of where exactly the problem was regards flywheel to crankshaft boss.  Thanks.

I've drawn a patented high precision carefully dimensioned low tolerance aerospace grade engineering diagram for you:

I had to grind down the plate across about 4 inches of the rolled over edge of the in the middle where it was closest to the flywheel's crank boss mounting surface. I ground it back about 3mm and that did the trick, enough that the plate was still in one piece along that edge, just thinner. Should have got a photo at the time!

Builder / Former owner of: Australia's first V6 converted SW20
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Re: Jaemus's 5th - JDM 92 GT hardtop turbo 2016/10/22 00:14:33 (permalink)
It is just what you have to do if you want to be the Man in Dandism with the coolest aftermarket clutch.

Wouldn't that be the dandiest after market clutch?

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Re: Jaemus's 5th - JDM 92 GT hardtop turbo 2016/10/22 14:46:54 (permalink)
car looks great, good to see you are still driving an MR2!
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Re: Jaemus's 5th - JDM 92 GT hardtop turbo 2016/10/22 18:37:45 (permalink)
Thanks guys! I can't keep away from them for some reason

Have to say I am particularly loving this one. NFI why I didnt get a turbo years ago

Builder / Former owner of: Australia's first V6 converted SW20
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Re: Jaemus's 5th - JDM 92 GT hardtop turbo 2016/10/22 20:45:34 (permalink)
Thanks guys! I can't keep away from them for some reason

Have to say I am particularly loving this one. NFI why I didnt get a turbo years ago

Now that you have owned a few, how would you rate each different engine type? You've had a beams, a 3vz v6 and now a turbo.
What's your favourite so far? And did the beams live up to its reputation?

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Re: Jaemus's 5th - JDM 92 GT hardtop turbo 2017/01/04 17:20:48 (permalink)
Now that you have owned a few, how would you rate each different engine type? You've had a beams, a 3vz v6 and now a turbo.
What's your favourite so far? And did the beams live up to its reputation?

It's hard not to love the turbo. The BEAMS car was light and agile and fun to scream around in, and the turbo is def a bit heavier, but it's far more smiles per mile as they say. I enjoy having the EHPS steering too. The 3VZ funnily enough sits somewhere in between but with the best soundtrack by far and the least effort to drive. It's good to have choices!

First of all, my new plates arrived.

While I like them, I'm not perfectly happy though because everyone seems to think they're meant to say 'toot'. Which wasn't the idea :P I was happy for that to be ALSO something they say, but the point seems to be being missed. Considering changing them. The idea, anyway, was the use the least letters and stick as close as possible to the japanese all-numerals xx-xx format without paying the RMS a fortune for 'full custom' plates. Using the letter O was the easiest way to achieve that and it makes sense with a 2000cc turbo engine. Right? No. Just 'toot' apparently. Too cute for my taste! :P


Fiddled around with the car a bit today in preparation for the MR2 Wakefield Park Challenge this month (in which I'll be competing, yay!). 

It's been pinging a lot recently and the rather dodgy looking boost gauge I have has never read over 6psi, so I decided to investigate.

What I found was this;
- Ignition timing set to 25+ degrees of advance! WTF? Set this back to the factory setting of 10 degrees. Pinging gone! Still running 6psi.
- T-VSV looped off (fair enough)
- Vac hose from inlet manifold connected to > BPV (bypass valve or "blow off valve" (larger port). > BPV (smaller port) > connected to - get this - manual boost control valve. Then the output side of the MBC valve > connected to the wastegate control port.
Yeah, thats right, an aftermarket, inappropriate looking, manual boost controller valve with no bleed port (looks like this came from Bunnings?) connected to the BPV. WTF? 

This made no sense whatsoever. The BOV was sortof working, but I suspect not correctly, and also this explains the (indicated) 6psi, which i think with a dodgy-boost-gauge-correction-factor of 1psi represented the turbo running at "wastegate pressure" - in other words, no boost control at all. 

I also noted the BOV was missing the factory VTV (vacuum transfer valve) and appropriate hoses and tees, including the bracket to hold them. It's held that the BOV doesn't work properly without this arrangement, so I simply deleted the BOV from the control circut by looping the two ports together with one of the hoses. This created some flutter, which I'm personally fine with (remember GT-FOUR's don't have BPV's at all, and are the same engine and turbo). 
I then arrange the MBC with one side going to the wastegate control port and the other open to atmosphere. I started tuning it with the valve closed and opened it in 90' increments whilst booting around the backstreets behind the local markets trying not to look like too much of a hoon, and observed a 1psi max boost increase for each 180' i turned the handle. I got to stock max boost of 10psi, no pinging :) Then I kept going to 11psi. I was aiming for 12, but it doesn't seem to go higher, and that's OK, as I was concerned anyway that the handle would turn on its own under vibration and cause overboost (i'll tie it off now). It clearly wasn't designed for an automotive application.

- Pinging, max boost 6psi
- Ignition timing was wrong @ 25+ degrees advance. Set to 10 degrees
- Boost control and BPV plumbing was all back-assward. Fixed
- Set to 11psi, no more pinging

Needless to say, it feels like a whole new car :) Realistically, it's basically still just at the stock level. But it was somewhere well below this before and I think this new arrangement is preferable for the upcoming track day, along with considerably less risk of engine explosion!

Builder / Former owner of: Australia's first V6 converted SW20
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Re: Jaemus's 5th - JDM 92 GT hardtop turbo 2017/01/04 17:34:33 (permalink)
+1 (1)
Winning! Good work mate.

There is an extensive build thread for my car here: http://www.mr2australia.com/mr2play/tm.aspx?m=18316
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