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Tuning options in Hobart

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2011/11/06 14:03:03 (permalink)

Tuning options in Hobart

Hey guys just thought I'd give you a heads up about a local tuner called GT Garage...
If you value your car DO NOT GO TO THEM!
Apart from the ridiculous bill they gave me for some pretty easy work, they failed to secure the oil drain pipe on my brand new turbo, so it was leaking a considerable amount of oil and I had to keep topping it up before I realised. Also another hose clamp on the intake to my turbo was left loose, there was a dodgey intercooler pipe that had a kink in it, was too short and had no hose tails, also they said they installed braided lines when there weren't any on the turbo oil and water lines, (which are now cracking), and kept the car for a period of a few months to do all this. I've never been so dissatisfied with the quality of workmanship and they charged me $2600 to do all this. I have also heard stories of other people having issues with them, including a guy that got quoted roughly $7500 for a a rebuild on his soarer, then charged $22000! Also a friends skyline has had to be tuned several times now and still doesn't idle without stalling as it runs too rich. Not a good company to deal with - be wary! I have pretty much replaced half the things they have done already now. Not good at all

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    Whore of Babylon
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    Re:Tuning options in Hobart 2011/11/08 20:31:52 (permalink)
    good to know, cause i thought they were decent tuners.
    thanks for the heads up mate.
    MR2 Deity
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    Re:Tuning options in Hobart 2011/11/09 19:05:20 (permalink)
    Ive had similar dissappointing service with them. A year ago they were great but Im not planning to go back.

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