Re: MR2 Spyder 2000 - Manual Conversion
2024/03/13 20:45:02
MR2 Spyder 2000 - Manual Conversion ... continueSeveral weeks now that I have been working on this MT conversion.
To this date, we have found two issues that cause the engine light to come on.
Issue 1:
As mentioned earlier, O2 downstream sensor does not exist in our MR2 2000 Spyder that came with Japanese spec. To resolve this issue:
1 - we have to build and place a "new O2 downstream sensor at the post-cat location.
2 - make use and rewire the "upper left O2 sensor" (B2S1) and extend its connector in the engine to route to the new created O2 sensor as described in the above, dot 1.
Issue 2:
MR Spyder with Japanese spec does not have "Vapor Pressure Sensor - VPS" wiring nor the VPS component installed. This causes the engine to come on dues to that the provided ECU from MWR is of USA spec and it monitors the EVAP system. I am still working to resolve this issue, however. To this point, I am thinking of creating a "simulator"