hi all,
im hosting another social day this sunday (10th)
its at my house in Hillarys but we have also set up a meet point for south of the river,
im also hoping to have my mr2bbq ready to use by then so get some of your favourite bbq food and head round!
southside meet point-Southlands shopping center near the subway carpark @ 11am,
travelling in convoy up to mine for a meet and greet bbq,then after we will all head out for a drive and group photo?
northside meet point-my house from 12pm
lots of mr2s in the same place it should be a good day,
and all for free* any questions just ask!
hope to see you there..
*free not counting fuel.BYO food and please drive responsibly lol
post edited by twomr2`s - 2018/07/09 02:32:14