Time Attack at the Midvale Speed Dome - 28 Sep 2014
> Sunday, 28th September 2014
> 8am until 12pm
> Midvale Speed Dome - Eddie Barron Drive Midvale
> $90 per driver
Visit the event page below to read the regs and to download the Driver's Form when they become available...
http://www.trackdaze.com.au/DomeDay28Sep2014.htmlVisit the FAQ page for answers to Frequently Asked Questions...
http://www.trackdaze.com.au/FAQ.htmlPM me for more info, or to nominate for a spot.
Morley, WA
1994 MR2 JDM turbo - The Mista2
2013 Holden Calais wagon - to carry stuff and peeps
1977 Toyota Crown - work in progress. S l o w l y ! !